A deep question for my fellow Christ followers out there: Was there boredom before the fall? If not, does that mean boredom is tied directly to sin . . . and how do see it theologically? This came up (kind of out of the blue) at our small group last night . . .
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
I would suppose that bordeom probably did not exist before the fall. I'm sure there was 'down time' but a lot of our current day boredome stems from dissatisfaction with a lack of action. Prior to sin there would not be dissatisfaction with "having nothing to do." I would imagine they would find contentment in anything they were doing.
Yes, the word I used to describe the new feeling they had (after sinning) was "discontent." For me the question is; did the discontent come as result of temptation or did it come after? And if it did only come after, what was it that Satan sparked in Adam and Eve before they sinned? Was it curiosity?
Hail Satan!
2012 Apocolypse
Fear the end!
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