I have had a hard time wanting to blog anything the last few days. Ramona Reimer, a beautiful person and was one of my most faithful Morweenite staff people when I was a camp director, has passed away. When Jobina told me, I was quiet for a minute as I felt it sink in. Ramona was very special. Her and her husband Earl were what I called my "A1" staff types - super high in competency and character. Ramona was very intensely ministry focused and very teachable - traits that endear you quickly. I was so thankful for not only the ministry that Ramona had with her campers (I remember her as a novice counselor excitedly sharing at staff meeting about her campers coming to Christ ) but her example for other staff as well. She wasn't perfect of course, but I don't ever remember sharing feedback with her that she was not open to. She was courageous and her integrity was at the highest levels. I really admired her. When she and Earl finally got together Jobina and I were very happy for them.
Sadly after only a few months of marriage, Ramona was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2006 and valiantly fought until a few days ago. She fought well. I heard so many people tell stories of going to visit her to encourage her and instead being encouraged and ministered to themselves! Her faith and spirit were contagious. Ramona was a saint in the truest form of the word.
I won't lie - a part of me struggles with this. I don't like how God allows special people like Ramona to be felled by cancer. I have protesting thoughts and questions. I know all the Christian answers (and believe them) but grief is not about answers, it is about loss and hurt. I know that God is acquainted with such sorrows and that he feels our pain and confusion. I take comfort that Ramona is free of pain and with Christ, yet I grieve for those she has left behind. If you think to, please pray for Earl and Ramona's family. The funeral is this Wednesday. I expect that her memory will continue to inspire others, just as her life did. If you'd like to read more on Ramona's journey, feel free to check out her and Earl's blog here.
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
mark, this was lovely... and so accurate.
i don't understand either... so i give my questions and my sadness to jesus. any other solution would leave me a mess...
may Jesus be glorified, even in this- her death. it's what she wanted and what those left on earth who love her still want... for all the glory to be given to Him. He is worthy of our praise...
Very well said Mark. Ramona was an awesome person, and the world is a poorer place for not having her.
I am sorry that she passed away - I know that I had looked at their blog in the past and been amazed at the spirit of optimism and encouragement on it.
Praying for you and all her friends and family.
I am truly sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was an amazing woman.
I don't even know her but have been following their blog since the beginning and felt such a deep sense of loss when I checked it Sunday night.
They were an amazing couple with an inspiring great faith and trust in Jesus. She longed for more of Jesus these past few weeks especially.
This is a painful journey with few answers and so we will continue to pray for Earl, the family and all the friends like you who surrounded them with all kinds of support and looked forward to a special touch from God for her healing.
Hey Mark! I happened to bump into your blog.
You are so right about the encouraging testimony that Ramona lived & left behind. Her's & Earl's story is not one of defeat; its one of realizing who God really is & experiencing Him in full for oneself, as a uniquely created in His image, person.
I was keeping my eyes open for you at the services yesterday... didn't see you. There was a large attendance, so I could easily have missed you.
oh, by the way, this is Pete Loewen, Kansas
Hey Pete, thanks for stopping by. I saw you there but had to leave early and get back to the city. Would love to catch up with you sometime, we had some good adventures out at BCBC back in the day!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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