Friday, January 15, 2010

On The Way To The Bus This Morning...

On the way to the bus this morning:

Jobina: "And the last week of March you guys are going to have Spring Break - for a whole week."

Riker: "Oh no! Winter is slipping through our fingers like grains of sand!"

Where does he come up with this stuff?


Jobina said...

I don't know, but I love him!

RLE said...

I love the expressions they pick up - its so funny hearing grown up things coming out of such little people.

Lindsey Dueck said...

Hahahaha, that is AWESOME! He is definately your son, Mark! I love when kids say things like that! I will never forget the time I asked my brother in a singsong voice if he was ready to go swimming and he replied back in a singsong voice without missing a beat "I was born ready".

Jay Boaz said...

He gets if from the well of awesomeness, of which he often draws deeply from.