Book Review: The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns
Don't let the somewhat cheezy picture of the author fool you - this is a solid book. And I don't just mean that in relation to it's size (768 pages of newsprint!) but it's scope. You have heard of self-help books? Well, in some way this is the self help book of them all. It is a very practical guide to self-cognitive therapy - how to change the way you way feel by changing how you think. I say it has scope because of the indepth number of subjects that it covers (and gives practical techniques for); depression, anxiety/fears/phobias, relationship issues, communication, procrastination, etc. It also has a good section on prescription drugs and tips for counselors who work with difficult clients.
The sheer amount of wisdom in this book is head spinning. I read through it in a week and was wishing for more. Burns approaches things in such a humble, human way and writes in such a simple manner that you can't help but be disarmed. Chock full of stories of people improving their moods by challenging their thinking, The Feeling Good Handbook has become an instant favorite to me. If you believe that having to write anything down on paper can't possibly help you feel better then this book might initially be tough on you. But for people who are motivated and are willing to try something different to change this book is just exceptional. It is full of charts, quizzes, weekly self-assessment tests, and his famous daily mood log. The Feeling Good Handbook actively engages its readers in their own recovery - no counselor is required. It has become an instant favorite for me and I'm using some of his vast arsenal of techniques in my personal and counselling profession quite effectively. I rate this book 4.7 out of 5 ninja stars.
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
1 comment:
I borrowed the book from my school library and it's great. I really liked the section on "why people procrastinate" because it was so real and yet so simple to comprehend. I agree with your assessment.
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