Saturday, July 10, 2010

Would You Do This With Your Baby?

I'd like to. I just need to convince the wife . . .


Moxymama said...

There is a program here called Infant Swim Resource which basically teaches children as young as 6 months to pop up and float on their backs if they are to ever fall in. As they reach 2 to 3 years of age they teach the children to then "swim" to the side of the pool after flipping to their back. We considered doing this for both our children but the cost was outrageous. We have had friends who have done it though who swear by it and it really is quite amazing the skills the kids are able to learn in a really short time.
This video looks like a similar idea, if not the same program.

Lindsey Dueck said...

I think that is a great idea, it could save a kids life! I have seen the videos where they push the baby under water and they can bob back up and float on their back! Crazy!!