Well I took my own test and scored a lot lower then I thought I would. Here's how I scored myself; I gave myself a number from 1 (low) to 5 (high) on each of the five questions. Here are my results:
I know I'm teachable when . . .
1. People give me input. People do give me input, just not as much as I would like. Score: 3
2. I see measurable growth and character development in myself. Ouch, Score: 2
3. I don't have to answer a critic with a defense. This one I mostly do OK. Score: 4
4. I don't have to criticize back. I'm in the middle I think. Score: 3
5. I'm learning new ways to grow. Am I seeking out new ways to better myself as a person? Score: 2
Final score: 14 out of 25. Lots of room to grow! So how does one become more teachable? My initial thoughts:
-ask for feedback from everyone (above and below you) and offer it to others (carefully of course)
-Keep a journal of feedback given to you and share it with those close to you.
-pray daily and ask God for a teachable spirit
Any other ideas?
May Light increase,
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
1 month ago
Hey Mark,
Nice to see you in the blogging universe! I 'randomly' stumbled upon your blog through Jobina's blog. Did that make sense? Hm...
I am all about room to grow! If we ever get to the point where we think there is no room to grow, that might mean God is finished with us!
I know I am most teachable when I am still. Still and quiet and I have to just 'get over myself'. It is in those moments that I can really hear, listen and take things in... whether from others or our Heavenly Father.
And that would be the only thing I can think of to add to your "list"!
~Stacey (in Toronto)
Hi Stacey, I actually checked out your blog recently and really enjoyed you honest questions and thoughts. Thaks for sharing about how teachability looks to you (in being still). I think that is good advice for everyone. I'm going on a retreat next week and will have some of that quiet, still time.
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