Here in Winnipeg it finally looks like winter. I keep finding myself looking out our front window and perusing the beautiful scene before me. In front of our window is a big pine tree with fresh bunches of snow draped gracefully all over it. Across the way is the playground and after that a treed ridge in the background. Everything is covered in just the perfect amount of lovely white snow. It looks so striking it almost takes my breath away. I'm not the only one who thinks so - a man came to pick up something we were selling on Kijiji and kept telling Jobina how beautiful it was outside!
We had a very late snowfall here (well, a decent one) and so finally it truly looks like winter here. Our little home next to and across from greenspace now feels enchanting again and now I can't imagine moving into a larger home - even with a child on the way. The realtors are right: the most important thing is location, location, location and I am getting rather fond of ours.
A few days ago Riker came upstairs excitedly telling Jobina how he looked up (his bedroom is in the basement) and looked into the eyes of a bunny staring down at him. For a moment they just stared at each other. Riker got right up to the window before the rabbit hopped away. Very cool experience for him.
Perhaps it was being without my computer for a day or two but I feel a little more aware of the world around me - the land and the people in it. It feels good. We do well to connect with a place; to know it, to feel it as the gift from God it truly is. Do you have an emotional attachment to a special place? What makes it so special?
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
Even though we are almost busting out of the seams at our house, and have looked at bigger places a few times, cannot imagine selling our house. It is the first house we built, our first home we have owned. I always tell M we will have to rent it when the time comes, because I can't imagine selling it.
Renting it would be wise, financially as well as for nostalgia's sake!
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