I don't think this video needs much introduction or explanation. I'm curious to know people's gut reaction to it though.
May Light increase!
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
I don't think this video needs much introduction or explanation. I'm curious to know people's gut reaction to it though.
May Light increase!
That was so funny! At the same time, it was quite true. I have caught myself singing in church and thinking about myself and how I am perceived instead of thinking about God - the true subject of our praises. Great reminder to keep focused on God during worship. Thanks Mark!
My other favorite was once in Mennville when, I think it was Lois and myself, joked that we should change the word 'dance' to stand in all our songs. "...oh I feel like standing, it's foolishness I know, but when the world has seen the light, they will stand with joy like we're standing now..."
I liked it alot. I like the "subtle" jab about how worship isn't supposed to be about us. On the other hand, I feel uncomfortable when I hear sermons about how worship is all supposed to be about God. I think that worship is about both God and us; our response to his amazingness. Sometimes I wonder why we can't balance this . . .
much truth spoken in jest
nice blog btw
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