As a long time Apple user I naturally have a distaste for the company that is Microsoft. After all, Microsoft stole Apple’s operating system and made a really, really bad copy (Windows 1.0) and eventually took the whole PC market. But my dislike of Microsoft goes much deeper. Today their OS isn’t that bad but their Mac version of Office is just terrible. Unlike almost any of my other programs, this one gives me serious grief every time I use it. Weird things happen and it seems to need all of the processor to do even simple tasks. The ugliness of the interface makes me mad too. Last night (early this morning) I spent two hours trying to reformat a Word document so it would look right. Two hours! Finally I gave up. OK Microsoft, you win. I would do anything to free myself from the clutches of Office. Office is the only Microsoft product I am forced to suffer on my computer. The only exception to my anti-Microsoft feelings is Xbox. And the only reason grace is given to them is because they bought an all Apple software game company (called Bungie) to make decent games for them (anyone heard of Halo?). Yes, Halo was originally going to be developed for the Mac. But I digress . . .
My hate of Microsoft is so bad now that I can feel it in my body. Yes, my fellow counseling students, my self-awareness grows! Once in Human Development class I could feel this nausea in the pit of my stomach and I didn’t know what it was. Then I realized it. I was watching my poor professor trying to work Microsoft Powerpoint using a Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse! This exercise in complete futility put together with just looking at powerpoint (ugh) in the hopelessly unelegant Windows environment (arghh) was literally making me ill! I looked frantically around the room for a piece of technology that worked well. Alas, none was to be found. Finally I just put my head down and stared at my binder and thought of happy thoughts, like my cute little MacBook. Apple isn’t perfect, but at least they don’t make me angry and nauseous.
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
If you hate Office that much Mark, why don't you try that free word processing software that Google offers?
I haven't really had any problems with Office on my Mac, although there are times when I get frustrated because I know how to do what I want on the PC but the interface is a bit different on the Mac and I can't figure it out.
Amen, brother! Although I became a Mac user by accident, no sweeter misfortune could befall me! Anyone got an old Apple II for sale?
I've used OpenOffice for several years now, and really like it. And it's FREE..!!
Check out the the system requirements. (yes, it runs on a Mac)
Dan G.
I can just imagine that nauseated look on your face and then a slow smile creeping in as you thought of your little Macbook. A pox on Microsoft!
Dan: thanks for the tip, I'll check out OpenOffice for sure. I have to have full Microsoft compatibility (sigh, because they are the standard) so as long as the files are all compatible it would be perfect.
Rod: Welcome to the family.
Jobina: I'm smiling right now as I type . . .
Ahhh yes, the Apple Cult ;)
I will not succumb, Mark. Rant all you like, I still like my PC!
Because you are family, I will forgive you of your hate-on of all things Microsoft.
Love, Michele
Mark: That's the cool part. I ran OpenOffice for myself, in an office full of MS Office 97 and MS Office 2000 users. I think I was using version 1.5 or something, (current being 2.3, and even better), and I could share files without anyone even noticing. The big 3 programs that cross-over are Word, Excel, & PowerPoint. Database stuff is a little more tricky. :o))
That's my rant for today.
(trips as he steps down from the pulpit)
Dan G.
Dan: I'm looking at the install instructions for OpenOffice and it looks pretty complex. Apparently you have to do some X11 work before running it and X11 has to always be running as well. I've heard there is a mac port of Open Office called NeoOffice, so I might try that first. Ever heard of it?
Mark: I haven't heard of NeoOffice before, but after reading some of the notes on it, it "appears" OK. Yeah, I guess running X11 all the time would not be the greatest. I don't know much about Macs, so you would know better than I, whether it's feasable to install NeoOffice, and try it, and then delete it if it doesn't work. I know with Windows software, I try not to install programs if I don't need them, because of the mess they leave behind, slowing down the machine, etc. :o)
Dan G.
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