I've been thinking a lot about anger lately; what cause it, what sustains it, and what can be done about it when one feels out of control with it. Since I can't show video's of "The Office" (as I would be pirater as Jay pointed out!), I thought I would post these real life examples of people losing control of their anger. What do you think is the key to learning to control your anger? What was your emotional response when you saw these other people losing it?
May Light increase!
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
at the beginning i mostly tried to imagine how the person got to that extreme point. i also felt bad for the others watching/involved... but once it got to the clip in the bathroom with the fire ex... i just had to laugh!
made me wonder if i am capable of such rage... and if so, would i stop with the electronics?
oh, and thanks for the german movie you posted. i and my family here in germany have enjoyed it several times! thanks for the 'bonding moment' maker!
The funny thing is, I used to have an anger problem, and I don't know the answer to the "key to learning to you anger" question! For me my temper came under control after I became a Christian.
So my guess at an answer would be surrounding yourself with positive people; an example for me back then was Youth. After awhile I found myself getting cranky if I missed a Youth night; I didn't get my fix, as I called it.
Am I a bad person if it made me laugh? I realize that this is not a "show," and personally, somedays I feel like I could be pushed over the edge too...but really, photocopying your actual computer screen when you're printer won't work, that's like something from Zoolander.
I guess it's pretty sad this amount of rage...I also think, what would have brought someone to this point, ie: a bully in the work place, a wrecked marriage, an addiction that leaves someone feeling out of control.
Oh, God, protect me and my family from rage like this.
Actually, I'm pretty sure this was all staged, so I laughed too. :) Where in the world would a guy working in an office get a sledgehammer from anyway?
I don't think they were staged, they are a collection of different videos from Youtube all put together with music. Many offices/businesses now have cameras going to monitor their staff. What amazes me most is the onlookers - how for the most part they do nothing! This is especially fascinating in the one instance where the man jumps across the desk and starts beating his co-worker. The most anyone does is turn to watch!
Are you telling me that by coincidence they managed to get all of those camera angles? If I remember correctly the old guy who tosses his monitor over the cubicle was filmed from multiple angles. Why would there be multiple cameras on the same cubicle?
No, I agree that the multiple camera angle episodes are suspect (the one you mention and the one with the old man). I think what I meant to say is that they weren't all staged. Some, or perhaps most of them, are the real deal I think.
Dayna, what were those people saying in that video! I wish I could understand German!
the first time i watched it alone and got some of it, and then when i watched it with die kinder they helped me some more... mostly it went like this:
-twin: is there a problem?
-yeah, i can't see my reflection in the mirror. can you?
-twin: yeah. i can see you. you can't see yourself in the mirror?!?!
- no! etc. etc. etc...
funny stuff- and like i said, it creating some good bonding and i laughed with my kids!
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