(Warning: Although I'm usually open to discussion on any topic, my reason has left me and I'm left with only rage concerning this one. Comment at your own peril!)
OK, today I had a fairly long day. Last night I didn't sleep very well and I had a lot to do today. I saw clients this evening as well which is somewhat emotionally taxing. Then I come home and all I want to do is relax. But instead of relaxing, I am instantly incredibly ANGRY! Why you ask? Because someone in our house is watching "The Bachelor.""I hate this show more then any other," I growl to Jobina as I seethe dangerously over my supper. Seriously, is this not the most evil show in the world? Take a whole houseful of women and then make them compete for the love of one apparently charming guy who takes turns destroying them all, leaving only one in the end to begin an incredibly dysfunctional (but "romantic!") life together. Surely this show is all about what is the most despicable about human nature. I hate it! Why do I hate it? Because it is so false. Everything about it is false! The way he treats the women is beyond my words to describe. He woos them, lies to them, occasionally seduces them, causes them to attack each other, and then eventually discards them. Most of them have believed his lies (he's good after all) and then he breaks their hearts.
If you click on this link you'll see the secret truth; not one of the ten seasons has resulted in a successful relationship!! Why not you ask? (OK I'll tell you) Because a relationship sowed in complete dysfunction can never succeed. If you were the guy, would you want a woman who you really never had to win (who by virtue of the competition process was manipulated to fall in love with you)? And if you were the woman, could you really forgive Casanova for romancing (and sometimes seducing) other women when really he was in love with you? I think not! "The Bachelor" show borrows the words and images of romance but twists and distorts them into a counterfeit facsimile. And some women love this show!
(OK, I'm taking a moment to breathe. Rage . . . receding . . .)
Am I right or am I right on this? Is it not absolutely heinous for a guy to take two women out on a date, speak tender words to them both, and then dismiss one of them in tears? This guy agrees with me.
May Light increase!
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
Yes, ok, it's me. I was watching The Bachelor. I will not sing it's praises, but I will point out just a few things. #1-One of the couples who got engaged has not been reported as having called off their engagement or having broken up. #2-I don't actually find it "heinous" that he takes multiple women out because that is what the show is about and the women have agreed to this ahead of time. What does bother me is the physical aspect of it and how it gets dragged into almost every date. He'd be better off doing less hot-tubbing and smooching and using that time to get to know these girls for who they really are.
hear hear! This show makes me crazy - I am guilty of watching one season of it (one of the earlier ones) but it did not sit well with me and Keith couldn't stand it. Now I avoid most or these contrived reality shows - we do love Amazing Race tho - we watch that as a family.
(the other show that I really can't stand is Big Brother - makes my blood boil.)
While I don't care for or watch the show, I don't have that much sympathy for the women. Quite honestly, they should know what they're getting into. This isn't Season 1 where they would never have seen the show before, it's been around for 10 seasons. I'm pretty sure if you sign up to be a contestant you would have watched the show before.
"The Simple Life", now there was a show that used to literally put me in a rage. I think I watched one and a half episodes before I swore never to watch it ever again.
I have to agree with the others that have commented, Mark. The girls knew what they were getting into when they went on the show. If anything, I feel sorry for women who think this is the only way to get a guy! What low self esteem they must have! I don't watch the show although I have flipped past a few episodes. I don't think it's worth getting angry about. If anything, feel upset that there are women out there that think the right guy will never come and so they feel the need to compete for one. That's sad.
Jobina: OK, honey, one relationship hasn't (yet) died. As for your thoughts about it not being heinous because they agree to it - prostitutes may share a pimp and be OK with it, isn't the relationship still heinous? Whether the women are "OK" with it or not, it's still evil in my mind.
I like everyone's comments. It seems like there is a desire to put the blame somewhere. I think blame (responsibilty?) must be shared by everyone. The guy is to blame, the girls are to blame, the producers of the show are totally to blame, the fans are to blame, and even I am to blame for doing nothing to stop it . . .
I don't think it's a case of laying blame. I just don't have much sympathy for people who intentionally put themselves in such a situation. If you're not prepared for the consequences then don't enter.
Am I saying such a show should be on the air? No. I don't care for the concept at all, or the execution. But the show wouldn't be on the air if people didn't sign up to do it.
If someone tells you to jump off a bridge...
Stupidest show ever, Its all fake, Its not Love Its a tv show after all.
caaght like 5 seconds of one episode this season, It was a perfect example of why i hate that show, there was this Christian girl and she laid it all on the table. she said "I'm a Christian so I have morals and stuff", and he was like oh and the rest of the conversation was the most awkward thing ive ever seen.
You were angry? And so I ask, Is anger healthy? :P
(sorry couldn't resist)
P.S. It's just a ratings game (the show).
Jobina and I had a, um, lively discussion about this topic the other night. She thinks the show isn't that bad and I think it's heinous. I won't get into the specifics about it, but I did decide that everyone shares responsibility and in this order; the show (most), the guy (lots), the girls (quite a bit) and the viewers (some).
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