Lately I have been reading through the Old Testament for one of my classes and have been reminded about the power of blessing. God blesses individuals and nations while fathers bless their sons. I used to think that this was one of those "Old Testament" things that wasn't really for today, but something happened to me several years ago that made me reconsider. A story:
Back in the late 90's I was attending Briercrest Bible College in Saskatchewan and working towards my BA in Counseling. During one of the short school breaks (I think it was thanksgiving), I invited my cousin Jonathon to come home with me. Jonathon is a great guy with interesting abilities. For instance, he can make himself tear up on demand. It's incredible to watch him in action, creating awkward moments or endearing himself to women. Anyway, Jonathon was staying with us out in Gimli for the weekend when he got a call that his Great Aunt (unrelated to me) was not doing well in the hospital. If he wanted to see her again, he should do so soon. Jonathon described his old Aunt as a "saintly woman" and even though he didn't know her well, he wanted to say goodbye. Since she was a short drive away in Winnipeg, I offered to drive him.
When we got to the hospital, the hall outside her room was filled with relatives. There was a kind of serious mood in the air; this woman had lived a long life, but all knew the end wasn't more then a few days away. Someone told the ailing woman that Jonathon was there and she asked that he be let in. I stayed outside and set myself up to wait. After a moment or two, one of the relatives came out of the room. When the Aunt asked Jonathon how he got there, he mentioned me and she asked to meet me. Immediately I felt uncomfortable. I'm not usually good with hospitals in general, but hospital rooms with dying people who I don't know (but want to meet me) is even worse. Of course I went in.
Inside the room it was crowded with family but I was ushered over beside Jonathon. In the bed was a little old lady who though weak looked peaceful, sharp, and purposeful. She asked me a few questions about myself and then told everyone that she wanted to bless us boys. A murmur went through the room. A blessing from this woman was a significant thing and she had said "boys." My discomfort level increased tenfold as I looked over at Johnathon who seemed as surprised as me. Who was I to be included in this? We bowed our heads and she first prayed for Johnathon. After but a few sentences she began praying for me. For several minutes! She prayed long and eloquently, praying that God would bless my faith, my ministry, my family and so much more. As she went on and on I felt two thoughts; that this was a beautiful and powerful thing to be a part of. Secondly I thought "uh oh."
After the deal lady finished praying we thanked her and were ushered out of the room. It seemed to me that everyone was staring at me, and not fully in the nicest way. Jonathon said good bye to his relatives in the hall and we started walking . For several minutes we walked in silence until suddenly Jonathon stopped and shouted "You stole my blessing!"
"I know," I said defensively. "But I didn't do it on purpose!"
Ever since that day whenever I see my cousin, there is always this slight tension until he reminds me again that I stole his blessing. Every time he fails in something, he takes it back to that fateful day. Sure enough, God has blessed me immensely since that day with years of fruitful ministry and a beautiful family. Do I believe in the power of the blessing? I guess I do. By the way, the painting at the top is "Isaac Blessing Jacob" by Giuseppe Ribera. I thought it fitting as Jacob stole his brother's blessing as well.
May Light increase!
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
1 comment:
A blessings, an interesting and touchy subject! I just love that this woman, even on her death bed, did not just think about herself, not even just about her family, but cared to pray for a young man that she didn't even know. I'm sure that the blessing she was to people with pass down for generations!
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