It's September 1st! In many ways, this is a momentous day. First, I am now done school. Last night I emailed in my last assignment and if all goes well I'll pass my last two courses and "officially" be graduated and receive my Masters in Counseling Psych. Secondly, it is my first day "on staff" at Riverbend. Thirdly, September 1st marks the start of school for me as an adjunct instructor at Providence College (teaching one small course - College Success Skills). Lastly, I have reduced my waitering schedule, the start of eventually being able to wean myself off waitering (hopefully in a month or two). Yup, big things are happening.
With taking on two public roles, as a counselor and as an instructor, I'm wondering what to do with this blog. I like blogging, quite a bit actually, but I'm not sure if I should (a) keep the blog going or (b) keep it as it is. I'm a little worried how reading my blog might affect my clients or my students (if any of them should happen to find it online). Since I share so many of my opinions (many of which are in flux) and attempt some authenticity about spiritual and relationship issues I wonder what clients/students would think reading that. Or what if they would comment, would that be awkward? Especially with clients, who tend to idealize their counselors, I wouldn't want my random thoughts or life stuff to compromise therapy or to distract from it.
On the other hand, I highly value authenticity and wish to be real and open. Maybe some clients (or students) would benefit from seeing snippets into my life and thoughts. The old model of counseling was to be an aloof professional, new models honor authenticity and interaction. So yeah, I'm not sure what I should do.
I asked my director, Gerry what he thought and so far he said it's probably OK to continue my blog as is but that I should revisit it often. But I have a few options. I could:
1. Keep the blog open and as it is.
2. Adjust the content so it is more informative, less personal.
3. Make the blog "invite only" and keep it as is.
4. Make one blog for personal stuff (maybe locked), and one for sharing my thoughts and ideas.
5. Stop blogging all together.
What do you think I should do? Somedays I wonder if this blog is really worth the time and energy I put into it and if anyone (beside myself) really gets anything out of it. I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks and have a great Labor Day!
May Light increase!
Church service at Holy Church near Rescue 1
3 months ago
I for one really enjoy your blog and would definitely miss it. I don't read too many blogs 'religiously', but I find yours very thought provoking. So... I'm hoping it doesn't change. If you kept the blog as 'invite only' you'd probably lose some readers (all those lurkers who truly enjoy reading your blog!). Whatever you decide, I hope you DON'T stop blogging, especially sharing your thoughts and ideas. That would definitely leave a hole in the blogosphere! :)
Private, two blogs... doesn't matter to me as long as you keep blogging. I really enjoy reading your blog!
I really enjoy reading your blog but I understand your dilema. You could change it to invite only that way you know that those reading your blog aren't your clients (or at least hopefully), as long as you invite me. :)Good luck with your decision.
Hey Mark -
I think you need to figure out why you blog. Is it for you or for others. You say you enjoy blogging and in this time with so many new things happening, I don't think you should stop, in fact I think it'll be something you really need.
I think either 4or 5 is the best, but which one depends on why you blog. Personally I love the mix of personal and informative. If you were to go to just information I probably wouldn't visit that often.
Just my two cents worth...
I don't think you should expose yourself too much, you are in a place of influence and sharing your opinions or working your values and opinions out in front of your mentees sounds pretty risky. It seems to me it might be wiser to use your time in class, to share snipets of your ideas, and works in progress to humanize yourself, it's still risky but at the same time I think it's important for them to see thought processes, making it less about you and more about them.
As for those you may be you see any way it may "handicap" your clients having access to your personal/intellectual ramblings (which of course I mean in a good way.) Isn't reliance a big issue in counselling? Where the counsellee becomes dependent on the counselor? I see it creating some issues, especially with comments, and seeking out your approval by agreeing with you, the word "stalk" has come to mind as well, guy!
Whatever Mark, you're a smart guy, what do other professors do, or counsellors?
maybe you should just shut down this blog and start another one under a fake name! That way you can still write what you want, just don't use the names of yourself or your family in the blog. I could be Shaniqua.
Hi Mark,
I think #5 option is definitely out of the question! I have really enjoyed reading and pondering upon some of the things that you have brought up in your blog (although haven't had as much chance to make response to the topics).
The idea of using an alias actually sounds pretty good so far b/c I think if you make the blog by invitation only - you would exclude other readers who would so benefit from what you have to share. Making a couple blogs w/ different privacy settings sound good too.
I think we do have to consider the clients who might read it. I think openness and vulnerability is good but at the same time, to a certain extent and on your own grounds. I think it can make that relationship awkward at times if know too much or it will change relationship.
Anyhow, hope you figure out what works. Roxanne
I've wondered the same thing as far as work relationships/clients go. Not that I'm in the same field but still... It's one of the main reasons I've never put my last name on my blog though there is still the chance someone would stumble on it. I can see your dilemna. I think I'd change "something" but I don't know what. Sure there's a place for authenticity but I'm not sure a blog is it in your case. I would also miss it though.
I'm for Jobina's idea!
It'd be a shame if you stopped blogging, as I love reading your blog. I like the mix of personal stuff and your opinions on stuff. Stuff is good. Whatever you decide I'm sure will be the right call.
I think Jobina's (should I say Shaniqua's) idea is best - I think the mix of personal/information/opinion on your blog is great right now and quite well rounded.
I would hate to see you go altogether though.
My two cents worth is to have you turn this site to invite only. The reason being that even if you stop this blog, I think the historied items are still available for people to search (please correct me if I'm wrong on that). If you change to invite only, even if people search for you, they can't access the blog which would be good. Don't stop blogging Mark, I learn something everytime you write and I like hearing what goes on in your head.
Hi Everyone, thanks for your comments and encouragement! I am weighing all of your thought but I've decided I won't make a decision until the end of the month . . . thanks again.
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